Kant and Religion; CFP deadline


Call for Papers

The Norwegian Kant Society is hosting a conference on the topic Kant and Religion, Dec. 3-5, 2009 at the University of Oslo. Invited speakers are Jens Timmermann,  Christoph Horn, Oswald Bayer, Svend Andersen, Toni Kannisto and Steinar Mathisen.

Papers will be accepted on the basis of a one page abstract. Each speaker has 20 minutes to present their talk and 10 minutes for discussion.

Deadline for submission is Nov. 1 and all papers should be sent to Camilla Serck-Hanssen (caseha(at)ifikk.uio.no).

Unfortunately our society is short of funding and cannot offer to cover any expenses.

Best Regards,
on behalf of the Norwegian Kant Society

Toni, Anita and Camilla