Justice in Robes -- Seminar on Ronald Dworkin's Legal Philosophy

5.5.2008 - 7.5.2008

Justice in Robes: Insight into Law, Justice, and Economics
--- A Seminar on Ronald Dworkin's Legal Philosophy

The Dworkin Seminar will be held at the Congress Centre Tampere Talo, on May 5th and May 6th, 2008, arranged by the Tampere Club, the Faculty of Law of the University of Turku, and the Researcher School of Private Law, Helsinki.
The organizers wish to express their gratitude to the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation whose generous financial support has made the Seminar possible.

The Seminar will focus on two main papers presented by Professor Ronald Dworkin and the commentary papers Members of the Dworkin Circle, i.e. a group of post-graduate scholars who have been studying Dworkin's legal philosophy during the academic years 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. There is no registration fee, but those wishing to attend to the Seminar are expected to register to: raimo.siltala (at) helsinki.fi by Friday, April 25th.

The program of the Seminar is as follows:

Monday, May, 5th (at the Congress Centre Tampere Talo)

9.30-10.15 Coffee

10.15-12.30 Session by the Dworkin Circle
Ronald Dworkin: Economic Efficiency and Equality: Allies, Not Antagonists?

comments by: Mikko Huuskonen & Max Oker-Blom
+ Discussion

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-17.00 Session by the Dworkin Circle
Kaj-Henrik Impola: Morality, Validity and Legitimacy
Ari Wirén: Reluctant Princes of Justice -- Nordic Judges and the Legal Community
Pekka Riekkinen: Double Morality in Law and Politics

Tuesday, May, 6th (at the Congress Centre Tampere Talo)

9.30-10.15 Coffee

10.15-12.30 Session by the Dworkin Circle
Ronald Dworkin: From Taking Rights Seriously to Justice in Robes: The Evolution of Ronald Dworkin's Legal Philosophy

comments by:Raimo Siltala
+ Discussion

c. 12.30 Ending of the Seminar

Wednesday, May 7th (at the Supreme Administrative Court, Fabianinkatu 15, Helsinki)

10.15-11.45 Session Hosted by Pekka Hallberg, Chief Justice
Pekka Hallberg: The Rule of Law and the Supreme Administrative Court

Ronald Dworkin: From Taking Rights Seriously to Justice in Robes: The Evolution of Ronald Dworkin´s Legal Philosophy


Vapaa pääsy, ilmoittautuminen viimeistään perjantaina, 25/4:
raimo.siltala (at) helsinki.fi