Judgment and Ontology -seminaari

29.9.2014 - 30.9.2014

Tampereen yliopistolla järjestetään kansainvälinen Judgment and Ontology -seminaari 29.–30.9.2014. Seminaari toimii samalla Suomen akatemian projektin ”Judgment and Human Rationality” päätöskokouksena.

Seminaarin ohjelma:

Maanantai 29.9., Pinni B3117

10:00   Welcoming words, Leila Haaparanta

10:15   Camilla Serck-Hanssen: “The Crucial Role of Infinite Judgment in Kant's Second Paralogism”

11:15   Hanne Appelqvist: “Wittgenstein, Kant, and the Art of Judgment“

11:50   Sami Pihlström: “Judging God? Judgment and Ontology in the Philosophy of Religion”

12:25   Lunch

13:15   Michael Beaney:  “The Creativity of Analysis”

14:15   Sara Heinämaa: “Intersubjectivity, Language and the World”

14:50   Alma Korko: “The Transition of G. E. Moore from Idealism to Metaphysical Realism”

15:25   Coffee

16:00   Anssi Korhonen: “Russell, Truth and the Psychologizing of Judgment”

16:35   Sirkku Ikonen: “A Pseudoproblem or the Real Scandal of Philosophy? Cassirer, the Vienna Circle and the Knowledge of Other Minds”

17:10   Mikko Leinonen: “Assessing Rickert's Influences on Carnap”

17:40   Jani Hakkarainen and Markku Keinänen: “How to Avoid Bradley’s Regress, How to Solve It?”


Tiistai 30.9., Pinni B3032

10:15   Robert Hanna: “Rationality is Deeper and Wider than Science: The Case of Authoritative Rational Intuitions”

11:15   Leila Haaparanta: “The Human Mind and the Realm of Logic: Sellarsian Reflections on the Strange Connection”

11:50   Arto Laitinen: “Normative Judgment and Action: an Apparent Puzzle”

12:25   Lunch

13:15   Heikki J. Koskinen: “Mediated Recognition and the Categorial Stance”

13:50   Panu Raatikainen: “Chalmers' Two-Dimensional Semantics - What is it Good for?”

14:25   Jenni Tyynelä: “Fiction and Ontology”

15:00   Jukka Mikkonen “Thinking with Literary Narratives”

15:30   Closing words, Mirja Hartimo


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