An International Conference in Philosophy: Women, Truth, Action.

10.10.2013 - 12.10.2013

Women, Truth, Action

An International Conference in Philosophy

10–12 October, 2013, House of Sciences and Letters (Kirkkokatu 6, 00170 Helsinki)

Keynote Speakers include: Lilli Alanen (Sweden/Finland), Lisa Folkmarson Käll (Sweden), Lena Halldenius (Sweden), Sally Haslanger

(USA), Alice Pugliese (Italy), Lanei Rodemayer (USA) and Charlotte Witt (USA)

The conference is free and open for all. Welcome!

For further information:

virpi.lehtinen at (academic issues)
 and sanna.tirkkonen at (practicalities)

Conference website:

If you wish to include the conference in your studies and get study credits, please contact Erika Ruonakoski: erika.ruonakoski at


Thursday 10 October: Meaning and Objectivity

Venue: The House of Sciences and Letters (Tieteiden talo), hall 104.

Kirkkokatu 6, 00170 Helsinki

9:30–9:45 Opening: Sara Heinämaa (SHC) and Virpi Lehtinen (NFY)

09:45–11:15 Charlotte Witt (University of New Hampshire): Essentialism and Intersectionality (presented by Sally Haslanger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

11:15–11:30 Break

11:30–12:05 Marion Godman (University of Helsinki): In What Sense, if any, is Gender Not a Natural Kind?

12:05–12:40 Maj Paanala (University of Jyväskylä): Ontological Realism and Transgender Phenomena

12:40–13:40 Lunch

13:40–14:15 Eyja Brynjarsdottir (University of Iceland): Misogyny’s Object

14:15–14:50 Nora Hämäläinen (University of Helsinki): The Blind Spot of an Ethics of Vision? – Sabina Lovibond, Iris Murdoch and Feminism

14:50–15:25 Susanne Uusitalo (University of Turku): Agency, please! Conceptual Considerations on the Agency of Addicts

15:25–15:55 Coffee

15:55–17:10 Lilli Alanen (University of Uppsala, emer.): Philosophy with a Human Face − a tribute to Annette Baier


Friday 11 October: Subject, Body, World

Venue: The House of Sciences and Letters (Tieteiden talo), hall 104.

09:00–10:30 Lanei Rodemeyer (Duquesne University): Gendered Truth: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Sensory Foundations of Truth and the Implications of Gender.

10:30–10:45 Break

10:45-12:00 Alice Pugliese (University of Palermo): Who did this: Otherness in Action

12:00–13:00 Lunch

13.00–13.35 Sara Cohen Shabot (Haifa University): Towards a Phenomenology of Childbirth and Mothering: the Grotesque on Fleshing Out the Mothering Subject.

13:35–14:10 Saara Hacklin (University of Helsinki): Alternative Bodies and Memories: The Implications of Merleau-Pontian Understanding of the Body in Contemporary Performance

14:10–14:30 Coffee

14:30–15:05 Marije Altorf (St. Mary’s University College): Thinking as an Act of Resistance: Arendt and the Practice of Socratic Dialogue

15:05–15:40 Ulrika Björk (University of Uppsala): Political and Subjective Freedom: Reading Hannah Arendt with Julia Kristeva

15:40–16:15 Sara Heinämaa (Univeristy of Helsinki): Phenomenology of Sexual Difference

16:15–16:30 Break

16:30–17:45 Lisa Folkmarson Käll (Linköping University): Intercorporeity and Ambiguities of Being in Common 


Saturday 12 October: Action and Change

Venue: The House of Sciences and Letters (Tieteiden talo), hall 505.

09:30–11:00 Sally Haslanger (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): Social Structures and Social Change: What Can Moral Theory Contribute?

11:00–11:15 Break

11:15–11:50 Nancy Kendrick (Wheaton College, Massachusetts): Activity and Passivity in Mary Astell’s Theory of Friendship

11:50–12:25 Carolyn McLeod (University of Western Ontario): Non-Pragmatic Compromise: The Domain of Professional Life

12:25–13:30 Lunch

13:30–14:05 Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen (University of Jyväskylä): Conjuncture, Momentum, Judgment: Re-reading Arendt on the Temporal Context of Action

14:05–14:40 Sanna Tirkkonen (University of Helsinki): Rethinking Political Subjectivity – the Challenge of Populisms

14:40–15:00 Coffee

15:00–16:15 Lena Halldenius (Lund University): Experiencing Unfreedom. What Feminism Does to Republicanism


Organizers: Sara Heinämaa’s Project Ethics of Renewal (HCAS, UH, AF) and The Association for Women and Feminist Philosophers in Finland (NFY)

Sponsors: Finnish Cultural FoundationSubjectivity, Historicity and Communality (SHC); Philosophical Society of Finland (SFY) and Philosophical Psychology, Morality and Politics Research Unit (PMP)

Organizing Committee: Virpi Lehtinen, Sara Heinämaa, Martina Reuter, Erika Ruonakoski and Sanna Tirkkonen (University of Helsinki)