Helen E. Longino

10.9.2007 - 11.9.2007


Tunnettu sosiaaliepistemologi ja tieteenfilosofi, professori Helen E. Longino Stanfordin yliopistosta Yhdysvalloista (ks. http://www-philosophy.stanford.edu/fss/hlongino.html ja http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Longino) vierailee Turun yliopiston sosiologian laitoksella syyskuussa 2007.

Philosopher Helen E. Longino is visiting in the University of Turku and gives two lectures on the following topics / Professori Longino on lupautunut luennoimaan seuraavista aiheista:
"Philosophy of Science after the Social Turn" (maanantaina/Monday 10. 9. klo 14 – 16)
"Behavior Genetics:  Challenging or Reinforcing Prejudice" (tiistaina/Tuesday 11. 9. klo 14 – 16).
Teemat / topics:

Maanantai 10. 9. klo 14 -16, Publicum 2

Philosophy of Science after the Social Turn

How should acknowledging the social dimensions of scientific knowledge
affect philosophy of science?  This talk contrasts two models of the
sociality of science, that presented by Philip Kitcher in his Science,
Truth and Democracy and that presented by the speaker in her The Fate of
Knowledge. What different conceptions of knowledge inform them?  What
different conceptions of the relation between science and society do each

Tiistai 11. 9. klo 14 -16, Publicum 3

Behavior Genetics: Challenging or Reinforcing Prejudice

Behavior genetics (both classical and molecular) is sometimes championed as
able to combat prejudice and often criticized as merely reinforcing it.
This talk examines the ways particular behaviors are defined in the course
of genetics research to argue that while genetic research is not in
principle prejudicial, current methods of defining behavior for purposes of
research do end up reinforcing prejudicial attitudes. The talk is based on analysis of recent empirical research on human aggression and on human sexuality.

Lisätietoja vierailusta/ more information:
VTT Seppo Poutanen (sosiologia, Turun yliopisto / sosiology, University of Turku) seppou@utu.fi