"The Good, the One, and the Many" .1st Conference of the Nordic Network for the History of Philosophy

5.6.2015 - 7.5.2015

"The Good, the One, and the Many" 1st Conference of the Nordic Network for the History of Philosophy,

University of Jyväskylä, 5-7 June 2015


The conference pertains to the relationship between the common good and the private good; to metaphysical unity and plurality; and to the metaphysical underpinnings that affect the discussions concerning the good of an individual and the good of social, political, or religious communities.

The program can be found here: https://nhpnordic.wordpress.com/events/conferences-and-workshops/


Organizers: Nordic Network for the History of Philosophy; On the Conceptual History of the Good (NOS-HS); Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy (University of Jyväskylä); and Centre of Excellence in Reason and Religious Recognition (Academy of Finland).

Organizing Committee: Juhana Toivanen, Miira Tuominen, Mikko Yrjönsuuri.

For more information, please contact juhana.toivanen[at]jyu.fi