Gambling, Gender and Society

23.9.2009 - 24.9.2009

Gambling, Gender and Society - International Research Conference 24.9.2009

Time: 24.9.2009 at National Institute for Health and Welfare
Location: Auditorium, Lintulahdenkuja 4, Helsinki, Finland
Organizer: Department of Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction
Participation is free for all, but registration is mandatory
[For registration information, see their webpage]

Gambling, gender and society. Kansainvälinen tutkijakonferenssi 24.9.2009 Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksella Helsingissä.

Osallistuminen on ilmaista, mutta rekisteröityä tulisi 28.8. mennessä sähköpostitse maria.heiskanen(at) tai mari.miekkala(at) Pyydämme ilmoittamaan, mikäli haluatte osallistua illanviettoon (tervetulotilaisuuteen ja kaupungin vastaanottoon).

Majoitusta varten olemme varanneet huoneita konferenssihinnalla Hotelli Arthurista ja Hotelli Seurahuoneelta (kiintiö voimassa 1.9. saakka) sekä Hotelli Cumulus Kaisaniemestä (vapaita huoneita voi vielä kysyä).

Lisätietoa konferenssista internetsivuilta:


September 23, 2009

19.00 Welcoming cocktail at Cumulus Hotel, Kaisaniemi

September 24, 2009

09.00 Christoffer Tigerstedt and Johanna Järvinen-Tassopoulos: Opening words

The Evolving Gaming Scene

Chair: Maritta Itäpuisto

09.15 Ingeborg Lund (SIRUS, Norway): The Norwegian Gambling Scene - Background, Recent Events and Policy Developments

09.45 Anne Claire Mangel (Paris Descartes University, La Francaise des Jeux, France): Compulsive Gambling Problem and Responsible Gaming in France

10.15 Coffee Break

10.45 Thomas Karlsson (National Institute for Health and Welfare): How PAF Troubles the Finnish Gaming Policy?

11.15 Johanna Järvinen-Tassopoulos (National Institute for Health and Welfare): Online Poker in Finland - A National Issue

12.00 Lunch

Gender, Risks and Experiences

Chair: Ingeborg Lund

13.00 Emma Casey (Kingston University, UK): Gender, Gambling and Narratives of 'Risk'

14.00 Charles Livingstone (Monash University, Australia): Space, Freedom, and Indeterminacy: Gender, Desire and Commodification in the Use of Electronic Gaming Machines
15.00 Coffee Break

Modern Age and Society

Chairs: Johanna Järvinen-Tassopoulos & Anne Claire Mangel

15.30 Michel Maffesoli (Paris Descartes University /Institut Universitaire de France): Playing and Gambling in the (Post)modern Age

17.00 Gerda Reith (University of Glasgow, UK): Gambling in an Age of Chance: The Problems of Gambling and the Contradictions of Capitalism

18.00 Closing of the Conference

Evening Programme

19.00 Reception at the Old Town Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 20

Representative of the City of Helsinki: Welcoming words
Johanna Järvinen-Tassopoulos, National Institute for Health and Welfare: Towards a Strong Research Fellowship