The Fourth Georg Henrik von Wright Lecture: Professor Peter Hacker, “The Roots of Value”, 5 June 2018, Helsinki


Venue: University of Helsinki, Main building/Small Hall (Pieni juhlasali\Lilla festsalen), Fabianinkatu 33, 4th floor, 5 June 2018, 16.15-18.00 (4.15-6 pm).


“Building upon G. H. von Wright’s classification and analysis of the varieties of goodness, I shall sketch the natural framework for the possibility of moral value and of the virtues. This includes the broad character of the world we inhabit and some of the characteristic features of human beings. These constitute the biological and psychological framework in which values and value concepts unfold. I examine the constraints upon what can constitute a morality for creatures such as ourselves.”

Peter Hacker is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Kent and Emeritus Research Fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford. He is the author, e.g., of Insight and Illusion, Wittgenstein’s Place in Twentieth Century Analytic Philosophy, The Passions: A Study of Human Nature and four Analytical Commentaries on the Philosophical Investigations (two together with G.P. Baker). He has also co- authored several books on neuroscience and philosophy.


The Georg Henrik von Wright Lecture is funded by a donation to the University of Helsinki made by the von Wright family in 2013. It is intended as a recurring event with the purpose of promoting research and debate relating to the philosophical work of the Finnish philosopher Georg Henrik von Wright (1916–2003).

Additional information is provided by Bernt Österman, Curator of the von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Helsinki (WWA).
bernt.Osterman at