Dialogic Language Use 2: Constructing Identity in Interpersonal Communication; CFP deadline



Modern Language Society of Helsinki


International Conference on
Dialogic Language Use 2: Constructing Identity in Interpersonal Communication

Helsinki, Finland

August 19-21, 2009



Mary Bucholtz (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Patrick Charaudeau (Université Paris-Nord - Paris XIII, France)
Gabriele Diewald (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)
Reinhard Fiehler (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany)
Helen Spencer-Oatey (University of Warwick, UK)
Véronique Traverso (Université Lumière - Lyon II, France)


Identity is a broad, complex and increasingly topical issue in a variety of fields such as sociolinguistics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, linguistic anthropology and language learning and teaching, where identity is primarily regarded as a social phenomenon. The conference on Dialogic Language Use 2 aims at understanding the complexity of identity by bringing together scholars from diverse theoretical and methodological backgrounds and creating theoretical and methodological interfaces between macro- and microanalytic approaches, quantitative and qualitative methods, spoken and written language, and the synchronic and diachronic perspectives. The conference focuses on English, German and Romance languages.


See the conference web site for more information:


Please send your abstracts of 300 words (including references) as an
e-mail attachment in RTF format by January 5, 2009 to dialog-2009 (at) helsinki.fi.
Include your name, affiliation and e-mail address in the file. We shall notify you of the acceptance of abstracts by e-mail in early February.


The organizing committee:

Minna Palander-Collin, Mari Lehtinen, Hartmut Lenk, Minna Nevala,
Päivi Sihvonen and Marjo Vesalainen

The scientific committee:

Anne-Claude Berthoud (Université de Lausanne)
Jonathan Culpeper (Lancaster University)
Helmut Glück (Otto Friedrich Universität Bamberg)
Juhani Härmä (Université de Helsinki)
Jarmo Korhonen (Universität Helsinki)
Merja Kytö (Uppsala University)
Mari Lehtinen (Université de Helsinki)
Hartmut Lenk (Universität Helsinki)
Minna Nevala (University of Helsinki)
Terttu Nevalainen (University of Helsinki)
Minna Palander-Collin (University of Helsinki)
Laurence Rosier (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Päivi Sihvonen (Université de Helsinki)
Horst Simon (King’s College London)
Marjo Vesalainen (Universität Helsinki)


For enquiries, please contact
minna.palander-collin (at) helsinki.fi (English)
hartmut.lenk (at) helsinki.fi (German)
paivi.sihvonen (at) helsinki.fi (Romance languages)