Current Trends and Developments in Digital Publishing in the Humanities, with special reference to Wittgenstein’s Nachlaß


Current Trends and Developments in Digital Publishing in the Humanities, with special reference to Wittgenstein’s Nachlaß 

A colloqium organised by the von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives (WWA) at the University of Helsinki, 14th April 2010

Venue: Hall 5 (PR 5), University of Helsinki, Main Building, Fabianinkatu 33

[updated 9.4.2010]

9.00 Coffee and tea served

9.30 Chancellor's address: Ilkka Niiniluoto, Chancellor of the University of Helsinki, professor of theoretical philosophy

9.45 Opening words, professor Jan von Plato

10.00 Juha Hakala, Director of IT Development, The National Library of Finland: Standards of digitization and long-term preservation of digital content

10.30 André Maury, adjunct professor: Von Wright's work on the Wittgenstein papers

10.50 Risto Vilkko, adjunct professor: Bibliotheca Wrightiana: von Wright's correspondence and scientific home library

11.10 Bernt Österman, University of Helsinki: Von Wright’s donations to the University of Helsinki and the new parts of the collection at WWA

11.30 Thomas Wallgren, University lecturer, University of Helsinki, Director of WWA: Current projects and future prospects of WWA nationally and internationally

11.45 Discussion

12 noon  - 1.15 pm Lunch

1.15 p.m. Alois Pichler, Director of the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen: Wittgenstein Source and other Wittgenstein Nachlaß Web resources

1.45 Joseph Wang, Researcher at the Brenner Archives (Innbruck): Wittgenstein's Culture and Value Revisited: Digital Edition as a Challenge for Scholars in Humanities

2.15 Sakari Katajamäki, Managing Editor, Edith – Critical Editions of Finnish Literature (Finnish Literature Society): Digital Aleksis Kivi - Archive vs. critical edition

2.45 Coffee, tea

3.00 Sami Syrjämäki, University of Helsinki: The philosophy portal in Finland

3.30. Mats Dahlström, University lecturer, The Swedish School of Library and Information Science: Digitized collections as research data

4.00 Discussion

4.20. Closing of the proceedings
The von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives belong to the Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies at the University of Helsinki. For further information see: