Contemporary Topics in Phenomenology: An Encounter with Dermot Moran


Contemporary Topics in Phenomenology: An Encounter with Dermot Moran

Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki
Academy of Finland, Emil Aaltonen Foundation ("European Rationality in the Break from Modernity: Studies in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics")

Open for all, including students

Dermot Moran is Professor of Philosophy (Logic and Metaphysics) at University College Dublin, with a PhD from Yale University (1986). He is specialized in phenomenology (especially Husserl and Heidegger), medieval philosophy, philosophy of mind and cognitive science, modern European philosophy (Descartes, Kant, German Idealism) and the relationship between Analytic and Continental philosophy. He is the author of The Philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena: A Study of Idealism in the Middle Ages (Cambridge University Press, 1989), Introduction to Phenomenology (Routledge, 2000) and Edmund Husserl: Founder of Phenomenology (Polity Press, 2005) and the editor and coeditor of Edmund Husserl, Logical Investigations, Vol. 1-2 (trans. J. N. Findlay, Routledge, 2001), The Phenomenology Reader (with T. Mooney, Routledge, 2002),  Phenomenology: Critical Concepts in Philosophy, Vol. 1-5 (with L. E. Embree, Routledge, 2004), Eriugena, Berkeley, and the Idealist Tradition (with S. Gersh, University of Notre Dame Press, 2006) and The Routledge Companion to Twentieth-Century Philosophy (Routledge, 2008).

Thursday, May 21
Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Fabianinkatu 24, seminar room 136

9.30-10.45 Dermot Moran (University College Dublin): Even the Papuan is a Man and Not a Beast: Husserl on Universalism and the Relativity of Cultures in his Crisis of the European Sciences

10.45-11.00 Coffee

11.00-11.45 Timo Miettinen (Helsinki): Crisis as a Twentieth-Century Topic

11.45-12.30 Joona Taipale (Helsinki): Solitary and Intersubjective Normality

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-14.45 Simo Pulkkinen (Helsinki): On the Historicity of Experience: Revisiting Husserl's Theory of Constitution in Terms of Activity, Passivity and Habituality

14.45-15.30 Sara Heinämaa (Helsinki): Types and Concepts

15.30-15.45 Coffee

15.45-16.30 Jussi Backman (Helsinki): The Contextuality of Presence: A
Post-Aristotelian Interpretation of Heidegger's Fourfold

16.30-17.15 Mirja Hartimo (Helsinki): Husserl, Lotze and Frege's Principles