The 12th annual meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology; "At the Limits of Phenomenology"

24.4.2014 - 26.4.2014

The 12th annual meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology “At the Limits of Phenomenology” will take place in April 24-26, 2014 at the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Keynote Speakers:

HANNE JACOBS (Loyola University Chicago)
JUSSI KOTKAVIRTA (University of Jyväskylä)
MAO NAKA (Kobe University)
CLAUDE ROMANO (Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV)
THOMAS SHEEHAN (Stanford University)
FREDRIK SVENAEUS (Södertörn University Stockholm)


+72 submitted speakers


Tieteiden Talo, Kirkkokatu 6;
Helsinki University Museum Arppeanum (Friday), Snellmaninkatu 3.

Conference is free and open to all!

