Living Poetically in the Modern Age : The Situational Aspects of Kierkegaard's Thought Kylliäinen, Janne15.7.2009
Generalizations and Models in Ecology: Lawlikeness, Invariance, Stability, and Robustness Raerinne, Jani2.3.2011
Putting Global Poverty in Context: a Philosophical Essay on Power, Justice and Economy Eskelinen, Teppo13.6.2009
Animal Consciousness : Peter Olivi on Cognitive Functions of the Sensitive Soul Toivanen, Juhana3.10.2009
Knowledge through Discussion: An Interpretation of Epistemology in Plato's Meno Salmenkivi, Eero21.12.2010
Non-reductive Physicalism, Irreducibility of the Mental and the Problem of Mental Causation Kuusela, Antti4.12.2010
Society by Numbers - Studies on Model-Based Explanations in the Social Sciences Kuorikoski, Jaakko22.6.2010
Kyklooppi ja kojootti: subjekti 1600-1900 -lukujen kulttuuri- ja kirjallisuusteorioissa Lehtonen, Mikko30.11.1993