Hyödyllisiä ja mielekkäitä oppeja kotiin vietäväksi. H. G. Porthanin väitösteesit ja akateeminen kasvatus Kinnari, Inkeri8.12.2012
Pragmatic a priori knowledge. A pragmatic approach to the nature and object of what can be known independently of experience Järvilehto, Lauri16.12.2011
The Idea Of Europe in Husserl's Phenomenology - A Study in Generativity and Historicity Miettinen, Timo9.2.2013
Self-love and self-liking in the moral and political philosophy of Bernard Mandeville and David Hume Tolonen, Mikko5.1.2010
Divergencies of Perception - The Possibilities of Merleau-Pontian Phenomenology in Analyses of Contemporary Art Hacklin, Saara24.2.2012
Striving for the Impossible: The Hegelian background of Judith Butler Roman-Lagerspetz, Sari28.3.2009
Constructions and Situations: A Constructivist Reading of Hegel's System Jauhiainen, Ilmari10.12.2011
Proofs, Paradoxes, and Probabilities. The Logical Turn of Philosophy in Finland von Boguslawski, Michael10.12.2011
Philosophy through Literature: The Cognitive Value of Philosophical Fiction Mikkonen, Jukka11.11.2011
Interpretation and Analysis. Conceptions of the Philosophical Method in Paul Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics Kortelainen, Ilmari27.9.2013
Aika, tarkastelukeskus ja kerronnan rakenne Claude Simonin romaanituotannossa. Fenomenologinen rakenneanalyysi Kirstinä, Leena30.11.1980
Old Concepts and New Poetics. Historia, Argumentum and Fabula in the Twelft- and Early Thirteenth-Century Latin Poetics of Ficti Mehtonen, Päivi30.11.1995