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© G. H. von Wright's heirs/ arvingar/perikunta
CITATIONS: The Georg Henrik von Wright Online Collection in, ed./red./toim. Yrsa Neuman & Lars Hertzberg 2009 (Eurooppalaisen filosofian seura ry) <> [date of retrieval].
Digital copy by Tommi Palosaari | Barbro Nordling | Erik Hallstensson | Sonja Vanto | Jonas Ahlskog | Ville Hopponen
[All texts by G. H. von Wright in [[tallennearkisto/aihepiirit/489|Archive view]]]
Table of Contents | Innehållsförteckning | Sisällysluettelo
Volume I
[Published 2009, June 16]
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4537|“Deontic logic”]] Logical Studies, International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method , Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1957.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4529|“The heterological paradox”]], Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Commentationes Physico-Mathematicae 24:5, Helsinki 1960.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4539|“The paradoxes of confirmation”]], Theoria 31, 1965 (255-275).
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4534|“‘And then’”]], Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Commentationes Physico-Mathematicae 32:7, Helsinki 1966.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4525|”’Always’”]], Theoria 34, 1968 (208-221).
[[se/arkiv/text/3823|”Induktionsproblemet och kunskapens gränser”]], Finsk tidskrift 129, 1941 (204-214).
[[se/arkiv/text/4524|”Dostojevskij”]], Nya Argus 42, 1949 (65-70).
[[se/arkiv/text/4532|"Mannen i underjorden"]], Nya Argus 42, 1949 (211-214).
[[se/arkiv/text/4531|"Frihetens tragedi"]], Nya Argus 42, 1949 (227-230).
[[se/arkiv/text/4536|"Revolutionens demon"]], Nya Argus 42, 1949 (241-244).
[[se/arkiv/text/4535|"Ryssland och Europa"]], Nya Argus 42, 1949 (261-264).
[[se/arkiv/text/4530|"Den sanna och den falska guden"]], Nya Argus 42, 1949 (274-277).
[[se/arkiv/text/4540|”Språkvetenskap, logik och filosofi”]], Nya Argus 5, 1955 (66-69).
[[se/arkiv/text/4523|”Tolstoj som tänkare”]], Tanke och förkunnelse, Söderströms, Helsingfors 1955.
[[se/arkiv/text/4533|”Kriget mot Vietnam"]], Hufvudstadsbladet, 28 november 1967.
[[se/arkiv/text/4527|“Framstegsmyten”]], Dialoger 26, 1992, (5-25). Translation Leif Janzon.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4542|"'Hahmottuva maailma’ – Eino Kailan keskeneräiseksi jäänyt maailmankatsomusteos”]], Ajatus 23, 1960 (34-44).
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4528|”Humanismi -- taisteleva elämänasenne”]], Kanava 4, 1976 (453-461).
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4541|”Muistoja Filosofisen Yhdistyksen toiminnasta Eino Kailan puheenjohtajakaudella”]], Ajatus 59, 2002 (7–11).
Volume II
[Published 2009, Dec. 22]
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4826|”A new system of modal logic”]], Logical Studies, International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method , Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1957.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4829|”Interpretations of modal logic”]], Logical Studies, International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method , Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1957.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4827|“’And next’”]], Acta Philosophica Fennica 18, 1965.
“Of human freedom”, In the Shadow of Descartes: Essays in the philosophy of mind, Kluwer 1998. Google books.
“An essay on door-knocking”, In the Shadow of Descartes: Essays in the philosophy of mind, Kluwer 1998. Google books.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/3824|”Filosofien och vetenskaperna”]], Finsk Tidskrift 1946: 93-106.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4819|”Språket som kalkyl”]], Nya Argus 6, 1953 (83-86).
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4820|”Logik och språkdräkt”]], Nya Argus 7, 1953 (101-104).
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4824|”Edvard Westermarck och Filosofiska föreningen”]], Ajatus 1965.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4825|”En filosof ser på filosofien”]], L. Bergström, ed., En filosofibok (Bonniers 1978) / Ajatus 1983: 49-67.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4857|“Dante mellan Odysseus och Faust”]], Horisont 1988: 7-15.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4830|”Analytisk filosofi. En historisk-kritisk betraktelse”]], Tolv filosofiska uppsatser tillägnade Bengt Hansson. Red. Åke Andersson and Nils-Eric Sahlin. Nya Doxa, Nora 1993 (207–232). Translation Stig Nystrand.
Volume III
[Published 2012, Nov. 20]
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/6352|”Form and content in logic”]], Logical Studies, International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method , Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1957.
[[|"Deontic logics”]], American Philosophical Quarterly 4 1967 (136-143).
“Deontic logic and the theory of conditions”, Critica 2 1968 (3-25). JSTOR.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/6353|”Eino Kaila's monism"]], von Wright-Niiniluoto-Sintonen, eds., Eino Kaila and logical empiricism. Acta Philosophica Fennica 52, 1992.
“On mind and matter”, In the Shadow of Descartes: Essays in the philosophy of mind, Kluwer 1998. Google books.
[[|"Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Ett tvåhundraårs minne"]], Finsk Tidskrift 1942, 238-248.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/4818|“Paideia”]], Nya Argus 1947: 229-231, 259-261, 288-290, 319-322, 1948: 10-13, 54-56.
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/6031|”Ludwig Wittgenstein: En biografisk skiss”]], Ajatus 18, 1954, (5-23).
[[tallennearkisto/tekstit/6030|“Naturen som ideal”]], Nya Argus 1962: 273-275, 283-285, 305-307, 315-318.
Volume IV
[unpublished due to unresolved copyrights]
“On Probability,” Mind 49, 1940 (265-283).
“Remarks on the paradox of the liar”, H. Bratt, ed, Philosophical Essays (Gleerups 1963).
“On so-called practical inference”, Acta Sociologica 1972 (39-53). Also in J Raz, ed., Practical Reasoning, Oxford Readings in Philosophy, Oxford University Press 1978.
“On the logic and epistemology of the causal relation”, Sosa, ed., Causation and Conditionals, Oxford Readings in Philosophy, Oxford University Press 1975.
“The logic of preference reconsidered”, Theory and Decision 1972 (140-169).
“Determinism and the study of man”, Tuomela-Manninen, ed., Essays on Explanation and Understanding, Synthèse Library, D. Reidel 1976.
“Wittgenstein in relation to his times”, G. H. von Wright: Wittgenstein, Basil Blackwell Oxford 1982.
“Wittgenstein on certainty”, G. H. von Wright: Wittgenstein, Basil Blackwell Oxford 1982.
“Wittgenstein's views on probability”, G. H. von Wright: Wittgenstein, Basil Blackwell Oxford 1982.
”Wittgenstein och det tjugonde århundradet”, L. Hertzberg, red., Essäer om Wittgenstein, Thales, Stockholm 1992. Translation Elisabeth von Wright.
“Logic and philosophy in the twentieth century”, D. Prawitz, ed, Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science 9, Elsevier 1994 (9-25).
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