Sociability and human nature

12.8.2010 - 14.8.2010

SOCIABILITY AND HUMAN NATURE: An International Symposium
12–14 August, 2010 Helsinki

Organized by Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (HCAS), the Finnish Academy Centre of Excellence in Philosophical Psychology, Morality and Politics and the Department of World Cultures.

Venue: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, lecture room, Fabianinkatu 24, 1st floor


THURSDAY 12, August

9.30 Welcome, Sami Pihlström (Director of HCAS)
9.45–11.15 Plenary
Prof. Noel Malcolm (Oxford): Hobbes on Sexual Desire
11.30 –12.15 Siegfried van Duffel (Hong Kong): Will and Rights in Hobbes and Suaréz
13.15–14.00 Juhana Lemetti (Helsinki): Sociability in Hobbes’s Reaction to Aristotle’s Essentialism
14.15–15.00 Ville Paukkonen (Helsinki): Sociability in Berkeley’s Moral Philosophy
15.30–16.30 Eva Piirimäe (Tarto): German Enlightenment Debates on Sociability, Patriotism, and Love of Mankind
17.30–18.30 Reception (Helsinki Collegiumfor Advanced Studies)

FRIDAY 13, August

9.30–11.00 Plenary
Prof. Sarah Hutton (Wales): Sociability, Philosophy and Early Modern Female Philosophers: the Case of Damaris Masham
11.15–12.00 Martina Reuter (Helsinki): Sociability in Mary Wollstonecraft
13.15–14.00 Ericka Tucker (Atlanta): Between Metaphysics and Politics: Spinoza’s Social Philosophy
14.15–15.00 Ville Lähde (Tampere): The Ambigious Nature of Natural Men in Rousseau’s Second Treatise
15.30–16.30 Christopher Brook (Cambridge): The Foundations of Sociability in Gerson and Rousseau

SATURDAY 14, August

9.45–11.00 Plenary
Prof. Kinch Hoekstra (Berkeley): Hobbes from Equality to Sociability
11.15–12.00 Kari Saastamoinen (Helsinki): Locke, Natural Equality and Basic Equality
13.15–14.00 Mikko Tolonen (Helsinki): Change in the Conception of Sociability and Human Nature in the Works of Bernard Mandeville
14.15–15.00 Markku Roinila (Helsinki): Leibniz on the Other
15.30–17.00 Plenary: Catherine Wilson (New York): Rousseau and Lucretius and the State of Nature

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