Sources and Resources of Political Life in Early-Modern Europe

16.4.2009 - 17.4.2009

Sources and Resources of Political Life in Early-Modern Europe

University of Helsinki, 16-17 April 2009

Venue: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Fabianinkatu 24 except for the keynote lecture which will be held in the University Main building, lecture hall 13, Fabianinkatu 33


Free admission. Welcome!


Provisional Programme

Thursday, 16 April 2009


09:45 -10:15 Coffee


10:15 -10:30 Opening Remarks by the Director of the Helsinki Collegium,
Professor Juha Sihvola


10:30 -12:00 1st Session


 *        Martin van Gelderen: Rembrandt, Grotius and Judaism: Toleration in
the Dutch Republic
*        Virpi Mäkinen: Self-preservation, Individuals and Polity in the Late
Medieval and Early Modern Political Philosophy


12:00-13:30 Lunch break


13:30 -15:00 2nd Session


*        Ronald Asch: Reviving the Religion Royale: France and England in
Comparison, c. 1589-1614

*        S-J Savonius-Wroth: Friendship and Political Life in Early-Modern
Thought, 1572- 1689


15:00-15:30 Coffee break


16:00 -18:00 Keynote Speaker (University Main Building, lecture hall 13,
Fabianinkatu 33)


*        Introduction by Markku Peltonen
*        Quentin Skinner: Political Theory and Iconographical Sources: The
Case of Thomas Hobbes



Friday, 17 April 2009


10:15 -10:30 Coffee


10:30 -12:00 1st Session


*        Sari Kivistö: Gerog Pasch (1661-1707) on the Idea of ficta
*        Richard Serjeantson: John Milton and "Single Rebellion"


12:00 -13:00 Lunch break


13:00 -14:30 2nd Session


*        Mark Goldie: The Making of Lockean Politics
*        Mikko Tolonen: Publishing History of the Fable of the Bees and the
Young David Hume


14:30 -14:45 Coffee break


14:45 -16:15 3rd Session


*        John Robertson: The Naples of Giannone and Vico, the European
Republic of Letters, and the Possibilities of Sacred History
*        Catherine Larrère: Montesquieu and Religion: A Political Issue and a
Civil Right