The Philosophy of Psychology; CFP


Extended Deadline: 11th October 2008

Bochum/Tilburg: First European Graduate School -- Philosophy of
Language, Mind and Science

"The Philosophy of Psychology"

*Session 1: Rationality, Consciousness and the Architecture of the Mind
10-14 November 2008
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany*

Keynote Speakers: José Luis Bermúdez (Washington University St. Louis),
Peter Carruthers (University of Maryland) and Michael Esfeld (University of

*Session 2: Reasoning and Decision Making
17-21 November 2008
Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS), Tilburg
University, The Netherlands*

Keynote Speakers: Ulrike Hahn (Cardiff), Michael
Pauen (HU Berlin), J.D. Trout (Loyola University Chicago) and Michiel
van Lambalgen (University of Amsterdam)

Each session consists of
*a series of lectures by the invited speakers
*a closing workshop (details below)
*student presentations (details below)
*a mini-workshop on getting jobs in academic philosophy

The closing workshop in Bochum features Andreas Bartels (Bonn), Peter
Carruthers (Maryland), Michael Esfeld (Lausanne), Albert Newen (Bochum)
and Markus Schrenk (Nottingham). The closing workshop in Tilburg
features Vincenzo Crupi (Trento/Venezia), Ulrike Hahn (Cardiff) and
Kevin Korb (Monash).

Graduate students are invited to apply, for the entire graduate school
as well as just for one session. They can also apply for giving a talk.
To this end, we invite submissions of extended abstracts between 1000
and 1500 words by the 11th of October 2008. Decisions will be made by
20th of October 2008. See the website for details.

Graduate students who have registered can attend all lectures without
fees. Students who apply for a presentation and are selected to present
their work will receive financial support. Participants in the whole
graduate school (both weeks) are eligible for a grant of 300 Euro. Those
who only attend the session at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum are eligible
for a 150 Euro grant. The four best presentations will receive an
additional award.

Participants have to register by sending an email to
<anifiebich (at)> (Bochum) or
<blt2008_0 (at)> (Tilburg)
by 1 November 2008.