Susan Mendus: "Politics and Pluralism"


Professor Susan Mendus (University of York) will deliver a guest lecture at
the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies on the topic "Politics and

Time: Wednesday 3 September 11:15am

Venue: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Fabianinkatu 24
Susan Mendus is Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of York.
She has a long-standing interest in problems of toleration and has published
widely in this area. She has also made extensive research on Morality and
Politics as well as on privacy. Her recent publications include 'Feminism
and Emotion' (Routledge, 2000) and 'Impartiality in Moral and Political
Philosophy' (Oxford University Press, 2002). More information available at:

A brief abstract of the lecture:
"Historically, liberalism arose as an attempt to tame religious violence and
religious conflict. However, in recent years it has become a major target of
religious violence. In this paper I investigate the possibility that this
change has come about in part because modern liberalism underestimates the
depth of disagreement which divides people in the modern world. In short, it
has an inadequate understanding of pluralism."

Free admission. Welcome!

Maria Soukkio
Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
FIN 00014 University of Helsinki
tel. +358 (0)9 19124974, +358 (0)40 7194607
email: maria.soukkio (at)