Cfp; International and Interdisciplinary Conference: Culture, Values and Justice, 21-23 May 2014, Vaasa

International and Interdisciplinary Conference: Culture, Values and Justice

University of Vaasa, Finland, 21–23 May 2014


This conference creates and facilitates new research openings and cooperation in the interdisciplinary field of comparative cultural studies by bringing together scholars from different countries and universities worldwide to discuss and debate a range of topics.


The theme of the conference draws increased international attention: the issues of cultural encounters are increasingly addressed in terms of values and justice. This trend is related to the growing awareness of universal social problems, including uneven income distribution, increasing health gaps between rich and poor, constant gender inequality, and the ideological roots of environmental problems. These are among the issues being discussed in this conference.


The keynote speaker is Professor Kisor Chakrabarti, a distinguished expert in classical Indian philosophy and comparative cultural studies.


Call for Abstracts


Abstracts: 150 words

Deadline for submission: 10 August 2013


Submit abstracts to Dr. Chandana Chakrabarti at chandanachak at

Date of proposal acceptance: Week after the proposal is submitted



Ethnic Identity & Culture; Personal Identity in Society; Society, Culture & Consumption; Social Identification; Dynamics of Group Culture; Ethnic Boundaries; Constructing & Deconstructing Ethnic Identity; Evolution of Society; Encountering Different Cultures; Cultural Shock; Society & Effect of Colonization; Media & Society; Morality & Society; Perfectionist & Situational Ethics; Humanism & Positivism; Reductionist Approach to Moral Responsibility; Archaeological Approaches to Society; Hybrid Cultural Systems; Hybrid Ethical Theory; Cultural Roots of Environmental Problems; Uneven Income Distribution as a Social Ethical Issue; The Point of View of Justice; Core Values, Traditions & Justice; etc.


Advisory Board Members: Barbara Amodio (USA), Gordon Haist (USA), Robin Kar (USA), Elizabeth Koldzak (Poland), Tommi Lehtonen (Finland), Maria Marczewska (Poland), Debkumar Mukhopadhya (India), Rizwanur Rahman (India), Ming Shao (China), Andrew Ward (UK), Su-Chen Wu (Taiwan)


Papers from the Conference will be published subject to editorial review.


For further information, contact:

Chandana Chakrabarti, Ph.D.

Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies and Academic Exchange

405 Maple Avenue

Burlington, NC 27216



Sponsored by: University of Vaasa, The Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion, Institute for Cross-Cultural Studies and Academic Exchange