Institute of Philosophy, University of Iceland
Saturday 4 June: Seminar room, Gimli 301
Chair, morning session: Henry Alexander Henrysson
09:00–09:15 Introduction and Welcome
09:15–10:15 Toni Kannisto (Oslo) “Kant on the Role of God”
10:15–10:45 Coffee
10:45–11:45 Hemmo Laiho (Turku) “The Notion of Experience in Kant”
11:45–12:45 Helen Haav (Tartu) “Two Concepts of Respect in the Critique of Judgment”
12:45 – 14:15 Lunch
Chair, afternoon session: Jani Hakkarainen
14:15–15:15 Markku Roinila (Helsinki) “Leibniz on Emotions and the Human Body”
15:15–16:15 Hedda Hassel Mørch (Oslo) “From Active Substances to Panpsychism: Is Leibniz’s Argument Sound?”
16:15–17:15 Henry Alexander Henrysson (Reykjavik) “Installing Windows: Christian Wolff on Causality”
Sunday 5 June: Seminar room, Gimli 301
Chair, morning session: Markku Roinila
09:00–10:00 Valtteri Viljanen (Turku) “Spinoza on Activity in Sense Perception”
10:00–10:30 Coffee
10:30–11:30 Vili Lähteenmäki (Jyväskylä) “Locke on Active Perception”
11:30–12:30 Jonas Indregard (Oslo) “Modifications of the Mind: Inner Sense from Leibniz to Kant”
12:30–14:00 Lunch
Chair, afternoon session: Toni Kannisto
14.00–15:00 Jani Hakkarainen (Tampere) “Hume’s Argument for the Existential Independence of Simple Properties”
15:00–16:00 Roomet Jakapi (Tartu) “Dodwell and Norris on Immortality”
16:00–16:30 NWEMP – MEETING