1st Nordic Philosophers' Networking Day; 30.4.2011, Copenhagen

Invitation to the 1st Nordic Philosophers' Networking Day

Dear colleagues and stakeholders and whoever else is just curious for any reason at all,

Please join us for the 1st Nordic Philosophers' Networking Day on Saturday, 30 April 2011.

To meet and connect
To exchange country news and inspire each other by way of short presentations on topics relevant to philosophical practice
To develop ideas on how to create and further develop and enhance a flourishing Nordic philosophical practitioners community: What events should we arrange in future, and in what other ways can we be useful to each other between events?
To exchange and develop ideas on how to raise awareness of the existence and usefulness of philosophical practice in the broader society
To give others a chance to see and hear what we are on about and get to know us (so please feel free to forward this invitation to whomever you think might be interested!)

Schedule (in rough outlines):
09.00-09.30 Welcome and intro
09.30-10.30 Input 1
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.00 Input 2
12.00-13.00 Input 3
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-18.00 Nordic philosophers' program:
                  - Country news & greetings
                  - Educational news
                  - Discussing about the Nordic co-operation
                    * how to co-ordinate?
                    * web-pages?
                    * possible future co-operation: forms, forums, contents?
                  - Interest group meetings with Open Space Technology (those who want to introduce a topic and create discussion or an interest group around it, are able to do so, and others can join the group they want - or form their own!)
18.00-??.?? Dinner, Copenhagen by night

At the 10th International Conference on Philosophical Practice in Leusden, the Netherlands, August 2010, it became clear that there was a wish to have more common activities and nurture closer bonds between PP's in the Nordic countries. There were also hopes that together we would be able to promote more effectively a general awareness in society of the existence and benefits of philosophical practice and the availability of a growing number of highly qualified "local" philosophical practitioners right here in the Nordic countries. As a consequence, a five person coordination group was formed to foster ideas and take action. The 1st Nordic Philosophers' Networking Day is our first venture.


    * The event will take place on Saturday, 30 April in Copenhagen, Denmark. Address details to follow.
    * In consideration of our colleagues from Finland and Iceland, the official language will be English.
    * Please send a short e-mail to Marie Lund (marie (at) samtalefilosoffen.dk)  as soon as possible if you think you will probably attend. Your feedback is non-binding. It is only to help us estimate the total number of participants so that we may look for suitable facilities.

The costs will be kept as low as possible to cover rental of facilities, lunch, tee and coffee and perhaps some fruit and biscuits. Dinner will have to be paid for seperately - it will not be included in the participation fee. As soon as we have the details in place, we will inform all those who have reported their interest, and set a deadline for final registration.

If you are interested in doing one of the three short presentations, please get back to any one of us as soon as possible. We will then choose among the suggested topics and let you know as soon as possible who has been selected.

"If you are interested in doing one of the three short presentations, please get back to any one of us as soon as possible. We will then choose among the suggested topics and let you know as soon as possible who has been selected."

Looking forward to seeing you!

Best regards,

Henning Herrestad, Norway   hherrestad (at) fransiskus.no
Tulsa Jansson, Sweden  tulsa (at) nordskiffer.com
Perttu Salovaara, Finland  perttu.salovaara (at) gmail.com
Pia Hverven Axell, Norway on behalf of Frida, Iceland  axell (at) online.no
Marie Lund, Denmark  marie (at) samtalefilosoffen.dk