IADA conference 2009 (including CFP) and an invitation to join SADA (Scandinavian Association for Dialogue Analysis)

IADA conference 2009 and an invitation to join SADA (Scandinavian Association for Dialogue Analysis)


(i) Colleagues interested in the study of dialogue, including interdisciplinary approaches to dialogic communication, are welcome to join *SADA (Scandinavian Association for Dialogue Analysis)* - a website will be available soon. SADA is one of the regional associations of IADA (International Association for Dialogue Analysis): You can find detailed information about IADA at the following website:

I am a member of the scientific committee for the next *IADA conference* which will take place in Barcelona (15-18 September 2009). The special theme is *'Polyphony and Intertextuality in Dialogue'*. The deadline for paper and panel proposals is 15 December 2008. Further information can be found at the following website:

I particularly encourage interested colleagues to send abstracts and join
the following proposed panels:

- Metacommunication in dialogue (functions of metadiscursive devices,
metadiscursive parentheticals, paraphrases, etc.)
- Intertextuality and humour: cross-cultural perspectives
- Intertextuality in academic dialogue: quotes, citations, plagiarism

(ii) I am the co-organiser of the *1st International Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural Education (CLIE)* at the University of Alba-Iulia, Romania (27-29 November 2008). This year's theme is *Multilingualism and Plurilingualism, Migrants' Languages, Minority Languages*. The conference will take place under the patronage of Leonard Orban, Member of the European Commission responsible for multilingualism. The conference is dedicated to the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue and to the celebration of 90 years since the unification (in 1918) of Transylvania, Basarabia and Bukovina with the Kingdom of Romania.

Conference website: http://www.uab.ro/sesiuni_2008/limbi_moderne/index.htm


One of the initiatives to be launched at the conference concerns the setting up of a Network for European Integration of Multicultural Education Activities. One idea is to develop a number of collaborative activities together with other related projects/networks in Europe. For example, we have identified the need for a Summer School where to present and discuss ongoing projects concerning the development of integrative approaches to the use of intercultural rhetoric in undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as multicultural approaches to oral and written academic discourse. Further suggestions about these and other initiatives are most welcome.


Colleagues interested in this European Network are welcome to contact me:
Cornelia Ilie, Professor of English Linguistics, Örebro University,
cornelia.ilie (at) gmail.com