Guest lecture: Henry Rosemont, Jr.: "Confucian Role Ethics: A Vision of Human Rights in a Global Context"; 3.11.2008, Helsinki

Confucius Institute and the Department of Social and Moral Philosophy cordially invite you to the guest lecture by Prof. Henry Rosemont, Jr. (Brown University, USA):

Confucian Role Ethics: A Vision of Human Rights in a Global Context

Time: 3rd of November (Monday) 18.15.
Place: Fabianinkatu 33 (Helsinki University Main Building), lecture room 6.

Prof. Henry Rosemont, Jr. is known internationally as an expert on East Asian philosophy. His recent work pursues such issues as poverty, democracy, human rights and truth & reconciliationcommissions from a Confucian viewpoint. Prof. Rosemont also explores East Asian perspectives on the good person and the good society, situating these perspectives especially around the cultural translation of notions of freedom and equality.

Prof. Rosemont has spent most of his academic career at St. Mary´s College of Maryland, Fudan University (Shanghai), and the School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University. He is distinguished visiting professor of East Asian and Religious Studies at Brown University.

The lecture is open to the public.

For more information, please contact Liuda Kocnovaite,
liuda.kocnovaite (at)