Inaugural lecture by Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, "Being Indebted: From a Contractarian to a Care Ethical Approach"
Inaugural lecture by Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, the Jane and Aatos Erkko Visiting Professor in Studies on Contemporary Society:
Inaugural lecture by Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, "Being Indebted: From a Contractarian to a Care Ethical Approach"; 30.10., HKI
Inaugural lecture by Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, the Jane and Aatos Erkko Visiting Professor in Studies on Contemporary Society:
Incomprehensibilitate Creationis ex Nihilo | The Incomprehensibility of Creation out of Nothing
The dissertation treats the different attempts by philosophers to explain creation by way of metaphysics. The authors are K. F. Mennander (later appointed archbishop) and his student M. J. Wallenius (later appointed professor of mathematics at Turku).
Dissertaatio käsittelee eri filosofien yrityksiä selittää luominen metafyysisesti. Kirjoittajat ovat K. F. Mennander (myöh. arkkipiispa) ja hänen opiskelijansa M. J. Wallenius (myöh. matematiikan professori).
Avhandlingen behandlar olika filosofers försök att förklara skapelsen metafysiskt. Författare är prof. i fysik, senare ärkebiskop Karl Fredrik Mennander och hans elev Martin Johan Wallenius, blivande professor i matematik i Åbo.
English translation (c) Johan Sten (tekn. dr. doc.) 2009
Transcription: Johan Sten 2009
Incomprehensibilitate Creationis ex Nihilo | The Incomprehensibility of Creation out of Nothing
The dissertation treats the different attempts by philosophers to explain creation by way of metaphysics. The authors are K. F. Mennander (later appointed archbishop) and his student M. J. Wallenius (later appointed professor of mathematics at Turku).
Dissertaatio käsittelee eri filosofien yrityksiä selittää luominen metafyysisesti. Kirjoittajat ovat K. F. Mennander (myöh. arkkipiispa) ja hänen opiskelijansa M. J. Wallenius (myöh. matematiikan professori).
Avhandlingen behandlar olika filosofers försök att förklara skapelsen metafysiskt. Författare är prof. i fysik, senare ärkebiskop Karl Fredrik Mennander och hans elev Martin Johan Wallenius, blivande professor i matematik i Åbo.
English translation (c) Johan Sten (tekn. dr. doc.) 2009
Transcription: Johan Sten 2009
Ineke Sluiter and Siegfried van Duffel at the PMP research seminar; 29.1.2010, Helsinki
Philosophical Psychology, Morality and Politics Research Unit
Insistence of the Theologico-Political
11.6.2009 - 13.6.2009
How and Why Did Modern Political Philosophy and Theory Become Engaged with the Theological?
Insistence of the Theologico-Political; 11.-13.6.2009, Helsinki
How and Why Did Modern Political Philosophy and Theory Become Engaged with the Theological?
Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC)
Institutio oratoria
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