José Filipe Silva and Ritva Palmén at the PMP research seminar; 8.10.2010, Helsinki

PMP research seminar continues next week on Friday with the following  programme:

Friday, 8 October, 12-15 (Auditorium IV, Main Building, Unioninkatu 34, 3rd floor, Helsinki)

José Filipe Silva, Imagination as a faculty of soul in Kilwardly

Ritva Palmén, The Concept of Imagination in Richard of St. Victor

please, note also the following seminar in November:

Friday, 5 November, 12-15 (Auditorium IV, Main Building, Unioninkatu  34, 3rd floor)
Philosophy of Gender
Juha Sihvola
Malin Grahn
Ilse Paakkinen

For more information, see: