ISSEI 2008, 28.7.08-2.8.08, Helsinki, CFP

ISSEI 2008 call for papers

28 July – 2 August 2008

Language and the Scientific Imagination

Call for Papers

The 11th conference of ISSEI, to be held at the University of
Helsinki in 2008, invites scholars from various disciplines such as
History, Politics, Literature, Art, Philosophy, Science, and
Religion, to examine and redefine the scope of interdisciplinary

The conference is divided into five sections:

1) History, Geography, Science

2) Economics, Politics, Law

3) Education, Women's Studies, Sociology

4) Art, Theater, Literature, Culture, Music

5) Language, Philosophy, Anthropology, Psychology, Religion

If you would like to participate in the conference by presenting a
paper in one or more of the workshops please note the following:

Length of Paper:
Papers should not exceed 3000 words or 10 double spaced pages,
including Notes. Notes need not be included in the presentation of
the papers but they should be in the version intended for the

The deadline of submitting your abstract will be announced.

To whom shall I submit my paper?
Papers should be submitted to the workshop Chair, to whom questions
regarding the academic content of the workshop should also be
addressed.  Chairs’ addresses are posted on the list of workshops on
the pages describing each workshop.  If for any reason the address is
missing, please contact the conference secretariat
(issei (at) and we will supply you with a contact

We look forward to seeing you in Helsinki in 2008!

Conference Co-Chairs:

Marja Härmänmaa
Senior Lecturer of Italian
Language Center
University of Helsinki
P.O. Box 4 (Fabianinkatu 26)
FIN-00014, University of Helsinki

Email: marja.harmanmaa (at)

Ezra Talmor
Kibbutz Nachshonim
D.N. Merkaz 73190

Tel: +972-3-9386445
Fax: +972-3-938-6588

Email: ISSEI (at)