Erasmus-opettaja Dan O'Brien (Oxford Brookes) pitää torstaina esitelmän filosofian tutkijaseminaarissa klo 14 (Pinni B4141), Tampereen yliopiston Pinni B-rakennus. Danin otsikko on "Hume on Education". Abstrakti on seuraava:
Hume claims early in the Treatise that “education . . . [is] disclaim’d by philosophy, as a fallacious ground of assent to any opinion” (THN and that it is “never…recognized by philosophers” ( These, on the face of it, are odd claims. Surely education is a good way of acquiring beliefs. This paper offers an interpretation of these intriguing claims. Two key questions concern what exactly Hume is referring to when he talks of “education”, and of “philosophy” and “philosophers”.
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