I propose the following paper to the 10th Annual International Conference on Conceptual History Methodological Issues –session.
Conceptualizing concepts
Question concering concept of concept is one of importance to conceptual historian. When tracking down conceptual changes or conceptual continuities the results of research are dependent on how historian thinks of concepts e.g. depending on what is historian’s view on concept of concept, same evidence may be interpreted as a continuity or a change in particular concept’s history (and in concept’s synchronical adventures).
To illustrate the importance of this question I will examine certain different theories or concepts of liberty on metalevel by using four different perspectives on concept of concept.
I shall reconstruct different ’liberties’ by applying following theories: essential contestability theses (W. B. Gallie), concept/conception -distinction (L. H. A. Hart, Ronald Dworkin), family resemblance theses (Wittgenstein) and Quentin Skinner’s analysis of levels of conceptual disagreements.
This reconstruction or reconstructions of different ’liberties’ enables us to compare different ’liberties’ in a concrete way, which provides us better understanding what happens to concepts in reception, translations, battles, re-interpretations and adaptations.