Colloquium "Listening to the Silence: Martin Heidegger 120 years"; 16.11.2009, Helsinki

Listening to the Silence: Martin Heidegger 120 years

Monday, November 16, 2009, 13.00-18.30
Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
Fabianinkatu 24, seminar room 136 (1st floor)

The colloquium commemorates the 120th anniversary of the birth of  Martin Heidegger (September 26, 1889 – May 26, 1976) by highlighting  several topics from his earlier and later thought, such as language,  historicity, phenomenology, and the debate with ancient philosophy.  120 years after his birth and more than 30 years after his death, the  influence of Heidegger's work in the heterogeneous field of  contemporary Continental philosophy is overwhelming. The papers and  discussions of  this one-day colloquium will disclose aspects of this  influence and of the ongoing debates concerning Heideggerian themes.

The keynote speaker, Walter Brogan, is professor of philosophy and  director of graduate studies in philosophy at Villanova University, Philadelphia, USA. He is the editor of Epoché: Journal in the History of Philosophy. Prof. Brogan is also the co-founder and former co-director of the Ancient Philosophy Society (until 2006), former member of the executive committee of the Eastern Division American Philosophical Association (2002-2005), former co-director of the  Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (1998-2001), and a past director and current member of the board of directors of the Collegium Phaenomenologicum in Città di Castello, Italy. His main  research interests are ancient Greek philosophy and contemporary Continental philosophy, with a
particular focus on Heidegger and his relationship to ancient thought. Brogan's key publications include Heidegger and Aristotle: The Twofoldness of Being (SUNY, 2005) and American Continental Philosophy: A Reader (co-edited with James Risser, Indiana University Press, 2000). He is also the co-translator (with Peter Warnek) of Martin Heidegger, Aristotle's Metaphysics IX, 1-3: On the Essence and Actuality of Force.

The other speakers, Susanna Lindberg, Miika Luoto, Pajari Räsänen, and Fredrik Westerlund, are researchers at the Department of Philosophy and the  Institute for Art Research at the University of Helsinki. Their research is either focused on or decisively influenced by Heidegger's thinking.


Sara Heinämaa (University of Helsinki / Uppsala University):
Opening words

Walter Brogan (Villanova University):
Listening to the Silence: Reticence and the Call of Conscience in  Heidegger's Philosophy

Coffee break

Miika Luoto (University of Helsinki):
Being in Exigency: Notes on the Problem of Historicity in Heidegger

Fredrik Westerlund (University of Helsinki):
The Epiphany of the World: Heidegger's Transformation of Phenomenology in
Introduction to Metaphysics


Pajari Räsänen (University of Helsinki):
"Completion" and Its Metaphors: Heidegger's Reading of Aristotle's  Metaphysics V, 16 and "Being-towards-the-end" in Being and Time

Susanna Lindberg (University of Helsinki):
Elemental Tonalities

Open to all, students are warmly welcome.

Organized by the research project European Rationality in the Break  from Modernity (Emil Aaltonen Foundation / Academy of Finland). For  more information, please contact Jussi Backman  (jussi.backman(at)