CFP: Philosophy with Children – How and Why?; 8.-10.3.2012, Copenhagen

Guidelines for abstract proposal for presentation at the symposium

Philosophy with Children
– How and Why?

at the 40th NERA conference in Copenhagen, 8-10th of March 2012

• A maximum of 350 words
• It is beneficial if the proposal indicates the following:
1. Title of paper
2. Author(s) of proposal
3. Research topic/aim
4. Theoretical and methodological framework (if applicable)
5. (Expected) conclusions/findings
6. Relevance to Nordic educational research
7. Attachment to NERA-network (i.e., Network 16: Nordic Society for Philosophy of
8. Attachment to NERA-symposium (i.e., the symposium entitled ”Philosophy with
Children – How and Why?”)
• Deadline for submission: 8th of November 2011
• Each presenter must submit the abstract separately (as a ”symposium presentation”)
• The abstract, paper and presentation must be in English.
• Submit your abstract through using the following Internet address:

Information about the symposium
The symposium regards philosophy with children (or even wider: philosophy in education), with focus on different perspectives on the performing of it and why it should be performed. The scope is broad, and theoretical as well as practical contributions are welcome. There will be a discussant at the symposium who have read the conference papers in advance and who will provide response. This requires that each presenter sends his or her conference paper to the discussant within appropriate time limits. More information about this will be sent to you further on.
Information about the specific date and time will be found in the general programme for the NERA conference presentations when this is set.

For other questions regarding the symposium: Please contact Ylva Backman, organiser of the symposium, at: ylva.backman(at)

Further requirements
• All presenters are expected to bring copies of their papers (10-15 will be sufficient)
• Each participant must register to the general NERA conference to be able to participate in the symposium. Information about registration is to be found at:

For more (general) information about the 40th NERA conference,
please visit: