First PLM Conference
Stockholm University,
16-18 September 2011
PLM (Philosophy of Language and Mind)
PLM is a European network of centers, institutes and departments with a strong commitment to the philosophy of language and philosophy of mind (see PLM was formed 2010 and has the following members:
- Arché, St Andrews (
- Department of Philosophy, CEU, Budapest (
- CLLAM, Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University
- CSMN, Oslo (
- ILLC, Amsterdam (
- Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris (
- IP, University of London (
- LOGOS, University of Barcelona (
- NIP, University of Aberdeen (
First PLM Conference
Every two years PLM will organize a conference in the philosophy of language and philosophy mind area. The first PLM conference will take place at Stockholm University, Stockholm, 16-18 September 2011. A selected number of speakers will be asked to contribute a paper in a following special issue of Synthèse.
Key-note speakers will be:
- Delia Fara, Princeton University
- Hannes Leitgeb, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich
- Genoveva Martí, ICREA and University of Barcelona
- Elisabeth Pacherie, Institute Jean-Nicod, Paris
- Crispin Wright, University of Aberdeen / New York University
Call For Papers
The conference welcomes contributed papers in the areas of philosophy of language (widely construed, including philosophical logic) and philosophy of mind. Contributed papers will be allocated 40 minutes, including 10-15 minutes for discussion.
To submit a proposal for a contributed talk:
1. Compose an email with your name, affiliation, and the title of your talk.
2. Attach a two-page abstract of your talk, anonymized for blind refereeing, as a pdf file.
3. Send it to: info(at)
5. Deadline: 31 March 2011.
6. Results of the selection will be communicated no later than 31 May 2011.
For the organizing committee
Peter Pagin