6th International Conference
St. Petersburg, Russia
November 20-22, 2014
We are delighted to announce 6th International Conference "Theoretical and applied ethics: traditions and perspectives" on November 20-22, 2014 that will be held by Department of Ethics of St. Petersburg State University with the support of the Russian Scientific Foundation for the Humanities. Conference is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the start of the educational program "Applied ethics".
The conference key theme is “Ethics. Science. Politics”. It is continuing the topic of the last year and focuses on the ethical issues of public status of science and technologies.
Within the evolution of scientific knowledge and practices two independent areas – ethics and politics – begun to influence on it. The intervention of the political and ethical discourses into the structure of scientific knowledge establishes various systems of administration, control and manipulation that affects the image of science and changes its vector.
Researches are invited to discuss key issues facing the today science ethos, to analyze the ethical and political foundations of the science and technology and to interlink a variety of the areas that require ethical reflection into a single problematic space.
Thus, this year the conference addresses the following questions: how do ethics and politics influence the science? Who is the main beneficiary of the scientific research? Who contribute to the ideology and values of modern science? What agents determine the logic of the development of scientific knowledge: ethics or politics?
We invite the submission of papers on the following topics:
-Normative systems
-Ethics, science and policy in the public field
-Knowledge as a power and an authority of knowledge
-University in the social and political context
-Academic ethics and freedom of speech
-The right for the communication
-The boundaries of scientific ethics
-Biotechnology and the new moral challenges
-Moral values and technologies
The round tables will be held:
-"Academic Ethics" (moderator: V. Perov)
-"Conflict of Values and Methods of its Resolution" (moderator: A. Razin)
- “Normative systems: Ethics, Politics, Law” (moderator: E. Lisanyuk)
Conference languages: English, Russian
Organizing Committee:
Perov V. (St. Petersburg State University) - Chairman
Artemov G. (St. Petersburg State University)
Brodsky A. (St. Petersburg State University)
Derzhivitsky E. (St. Petersburg State University)
Gromova L. (Herzen University)
Gusev D. (St. Petersburg State University) - Secretary
Jaskevitch J. S. (Belorussian State University of Economics, rep. Belarus)
Laptenok A. (Belorussian State University of Economics, rep. Belarus)
Mazeikis G. (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania)
Kosikh M. (St. Petersburg State University)
Larionov I. (St. Petersburg State University)
Ovchinnikova E. (St. Petersburg State University)
Polozhentsev A. (St. Petersburg State University)
Razin A. (Moscow State University)
Skvortsov A. (Moscow State University)
Shevchenko A. (Russian Academy of Sciences)
Zimbuli A. (Herzen University)
You could participate in two ways: make the plenary lecture (up to 40 minutes) or panel presentation (up to 15 minutes). After each presentation will be given time for questions and discussion.
Those participants who wish to present a paper are asked to submit a 200-400 word abstract by 01st August and a full paper by 1st September. All accepted papers are considered for publication in the printed and electronic formats (Almanac “Discourses of Ethics”).
Please register at the conference website: http://ethics.philosophy.spbu.ru/participation (section "Participation"). Applications submitted by email will not be accepted.
Deadline for applications: August 01, 2014.
Participation is free of charge.
Russian Scientific Foundation for the Humanities: project # 14-03-14036
If you have any questions please contact the Conference Secretary.
Dmitriy Gusev: d.gusev at spbu.ru.
More information at the conference website: http://ethics.philosophy.spbu.ru
Address of the Organizing Committee: Russia, 199034, St. Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya line, 5, Institute of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University, Department of Ethics, office 104a.
Tel./fax : +7 ( 812) 328-94-21 (ext. 1843).